Google attacking guest posting again to neutralize spammers

Yes! Google has already warn internet marketers about guest blogging misuse. I was really shocked today to see the example that made my mind to write this post. I was busy with some other stuff this month so I didn’t have those stuff for you in this month. Anyway, now that this news has made me clear that I should make aware my readers who use guest blogging as their main assets in the SEO.

Google penalty guest posting

Here is the news! Google has recently penalize one website ( which is handled by a long-time SEO. More importantly the penalty caused by one guest post. That guest post has the link to the Anchor text “hispanic data”. Which again starts questions to my mind that does guest blogging has to be relevant and should be done only to give a reference and not the weight-age to the keyword used in the anchor text?

I have some suggestion which I want to follow my self and to the readers that if your are approaching for guest blogging and looking for the anchor text then do not use anywhere in the post as well as in the author bio. After knowing the fact that Google can penalize you over the anchor text usage in the author bio.


Get the best of your website from the social and find the other ways to get your keyword used in the back link smartly by varying anchor text and the platform usage. though, not the guest blogging any more. Have a great day! Let me know your point of views on this in the comments.

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